Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Street Photography

186/365 - Lost (BW)
Originally uploaded by Wayne-K
The theme for my photography project this week is "Street Photography." For most people, this is a very challenging type of photography....well, unless you're a natural born stalker!

I decided to walk around the local park today. Unfortunately, it was over one hundred degrees and there were only two parents with their kids at the park. I walked around the park, taking pictures of flowers and other things around the park. My thinking was if the people saw me taking pictures, they would think of me as a photographer, instead of Jeffery Dahmer. As I was walking around, I noticed this doll by the garbage can. I decided to shoot it with a low perspective so I could capture the woman and baby in the background, giving the illusion of a lost doll. I liked how the spilled coffee filled the foreground and added some interest to the shot.

I originally processed this shot in color, but the vibrant colors looked too bright and happy. It wasn't the mood I was trying to convey. I converted it to black and white to give it a more dramatic feel. When viewing a photograph, the eyes naturally look at light areas before dark areas. To focus the viewer's eyes on the doll, I used post-processing software to darken the background, darken/sharpen the concrete in the foreground, and reduce the highlights in the grass. I also lightened the dolls face to further focus the viewer's eyes on the doll.

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