Sunday, December 9, 2012

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles – Almost

24/52 - Oak on a Hill by Wayne-K
24/52 - Oak on a Hill, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

My trip to Guam started last night when I realized the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) trains don’t run early on Sundays. Thankfully, my lovely wife drove me the 41.3 miles to the San Francisco International Airport this morning. After clearing TSA security, I proceeded to my gate for my 10:10 AM flight to Guam (connecting through Honolulu). I actually arrived before the 8:40 AM flight to Honolulu left the gate and considered taking that flight, as there appeared to be many seats available. However, I decided to stay on my original flight…a decision which would prove to be a bad one. I’ve taken earlier flights in the past and in some cases, the earlier flight encountered problems and got me to my destination later than if I had kept my original ticket. Unfortunately, that was not the case today. My flight was canceled and rescheduled for tomorrow. Had I taken the 8:40 AM flight to Hawaii, I could have taken an alternate flight from Hawaii to Guam. Bummer!

After getting my new flights sorted out, I proceeded to take the BART train to Pleasanton, followed by a taxi ride home. Anyone that knows me understands how important weekends are to me, and this was not the way I wanted to spend my Sunday. However, it was a beautiful day in the Bay Area and I decided to make lemonade out of lemons, and spent the afternoon running on the Pleasanton Ridge. Joining me was my Panasonic LX5, set to capture in raw plus B&W JPEG. I am testing various JPEG processing settings in the camera to see if I can get the results I want “in-camera.” It’s not there yet, but with further experimentation, I hope to get there.

BTW, after further consideration, I decided to cancel my trip to Guam. The flight delay will cause me to miss one of my customer meetings and it’s not worth the travel time or expense to travel thousands of miles for a one-day meeting.

Here are a couple of shots from my trail run today.


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