Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Amador Shoots Down the Falcons

9.5 Seconds by Wayne-K
9.5 Seconds, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

The Amador Junior Varsity team beat their crosstown rival today, squeezing out a two point victory over Foothill HS. It was a close and exciting game and the energy in the crowd was electric!

The gym was a bit dark today. I was shooting at maximum aperture, maximum ISO, and minimum shutter speed (to limit motion blur), but still needed another stop or so of light. I decided to focus my attention on the non-action shots. The slower moving subjects allowed me to use a slower shutter speed (and better exposures).

The players like using my action shots for their Facebook profiles. They don't, however, fully appreciate the artistic, non-action shots....although many of the parents seem to enjoy them.

In addition to the digital photos, I also took a few with my FM2 film camera. I used the FM2 on my trip to American Samoa last week and had ten frames remaining to be exposed on the roll of film. After today's game, I still have a handful of frames to shoot before I can develop the roll. I'll probably take five photos of the dog tomorrow so I can get it developed....I'm anxious to see how my Samoa pictures came out!


Calling the Play

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