We drove up from the Bay Area at o'dark thirty on Saturday morning, joined the tour at 1 PM, and then camped overnight on the park grounds. On Sunday, we did a self-lead tour of Merrill Cave, and then headed home.
Photography inside the Crystal Ice Cave was challenging because it's dark and being a ranger guided tour, I didn't want to hold up the entire group while I was positioning my off-camera flash unit. I did, however, have a chance to play with my flash at the Merrill Cave. Outside the cave, the lighting was obviously better, but it was snowing and overcast...not ideal light for landscape photography.
Here are a few photos at the Lava Beds National Monument and along the drive home. Much thanks to Faye for supporting my requests to "pull over, right here," so I could photograph the pretty landscape....making the long drive home a bit longer...
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