Saturday, December 7, 2013

Photo-run on the Pleasanton Ridge

Pleasanton Ridge by Wayne-K
Pleasanton Ridge, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

After an unseasonably warm Thanksgiving, a Canadian winter storm blew in this week, bringing frigid weather to the West. Temperatures dipped to 24 degrees Farenheit overnight, with daytime highs near 45 degrees. Claudia (from Canada) begged to differ with the "frigid" assessment, stating, "Seven degrees Celsius is tropical, eh. You hoser!" I suppose everything is relative, but all I can say is, "it must really suck living in Canada..."

I awoke early this morning, with some concern about the 16 mile run I had planned. It wasn't the cold I was concerned about, but rather my tight lower back. I washed down my usual pre-run breakfast, peanut butter on toast, with coffee, and proceeded back to bed. I gently stretched my back and after a few hours of procrastination, it was time to run. Today, I decided carry my camera. My trail portraits photography project stalled out after two portraits because I quit carrying my camera on my trail runs. I don't particularly enjoy wearing a fanny pack while running, but today I decided I would do a "photo run" and have a nice, relaxing run.

After arriving at the Foothill Staging Area, I exited the car and found the Pleasanton Ridge quite pleasant. That would soon change, however, as a steady, frigid wind blasted me as I ascended the ridge, forcing me to zip up a bit. I traversed the Ridgeline Trail and stopped at the bench near the Valley View Trail junction. A stone found its way into my running shoe and I sat on the bench, trying to get my frozen fingers to undo my shoe laces, so I could extract the irritant. I looked over my shoulder because I could hear Faye speaking to me, "wear your f'ing gaiters!" I explained the overnight rains packed down the dirt, so gaiters wouldn't be necessary, but she wasn't buying it. I managed to finally retie my shoes and proceeded across the ridge, and down the Bay Leaf Trail. Although I didn't carry my mobile phone, Mother Nature called, and I needed to make a pit stop. I veered off the trail and found some trees shielded from the wind. After searching in my running shorts for thirty minutes or so, I finally found what I was looking for. Did I mention it was cold!?

I didn't set any PR's today, but it was a very fun photo-run. My Panasonic LX5 camera fit nicely in my running fanny pack and I liked the easy access. Thanks Bryan for the tip! Here are a few photos from today's run.

After steadily climbing the ridge from the Foothill staging area, I look forward to this gate because it's the point where I descend into Augustine Bernal Park and onto more runnable trails.


The East Bay Regional Park District recently mended a number of barbed wire fences in the park. I've run past these old fence posts and barbed wire a number of times and looked forward to snapping a few photos of it today. I envisioned sepia toning, giving it an "Old West" feel.


I love this view because it means I only have two miles to go...and it's almost all downhill from here.

Winding Trails

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Autumn Arrives

Fleeing Bush Street by Wayne-K
Fleeing Bush Street, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

Thanksgiving has come and gone, Christmas trees are sprouting up around town, deciduous trees are showing their fiery colors, and the temperatures are dropping quickly. Autumn is upon us.

Unexpected work activities delayed my trail run today and I didn't arrive at the Pleasanton Ridge until 3:45 PM. It was clear I would be completing my run in the dark tonight. I threw a long sleeve shirt into the car, planning on carrying it in case I needed it on my run. I exited my car at the start of the run and immediately felt like one of the Korean Airlines pilots who crashed their plane at SFO. Ho Lee Fuk…it was cold! It’s time to break out the gloves and running jacket.

Here are a few autumn photos.

Our twenty pound Thanksgiving turkey. We had the boys, Bryan and Grant, over for Thanksgiving, so we decided to go for a big bird. What’s better than leftover turkey and fixin’s?

Thanksgiving, 2013

We did something new this year and added a little diversity to the Thanksgiving table. These beautiful crab found their way onto the menu. Thank you for your sacrifice, you were yummy.

Crab in a Bowl

We spent a day in the city (San Francisco). This is at Boccalone in the Ferry Building. They are well known for their pig parts.


This guy really wanted Jesus to save the pagans of SF. As I stalked him for a photo, he realized I was photographing him and he stopped and posed for me. So, I snapped his portrait and gave him a thumbs up….and snapped a few more photos of him as he walked around.


Here are three generations of women in front of the Christmas tree at Union Square.

Three Generations

Mother and daughter in front of the tree

Kami and Mia

Grant and Kami inside the Ferry Building

Grant and Kami

Here's my run today, courtesy of Strava.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Solitude on the Rainy Ridge

Pleasanton Ridge by Wayne-K
Pleasanton Ridge, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

Finding time to run the trails during the work week has become a challenge since the daylight savings time change. If I’m to complete my runs before darkness, I need to hit the trails by 4 PM to complete seven miles or 3:30 PM to complete 10 miles. I considered running in the dark with a headlamp, but my 10 mile route takes me through a more remote section of the Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, where mountain lions like to hang out and pursue slow moving prey during the early evening hours. My solution was to change my work hours. I typically run the trails on Mondays and Wednesdays, so I informed my colleagues I would begin my Mondays/Wednesdays at 6 AM, work until 3 PM, and run after work. Alternatively, I could run for two hours during lunch and finish the work day at 5 PM. Lastly, if there were late afternoon meetings, I would run at 6 AM and work a standard 9-5 work day.

I started my new flex work schedule last week, managing to get a seven mile run in on Monday and a ten mile run in on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to continue the momentum into the weekend. I needed to help my brother lay wood flooring in his house during the weekend and I thought it would be best to skip my Saturday long run. In retrospect, that was a brilliant idea because after nine hours of laying floors on Saturday and seven hours on Sunday, my back, legs, arms, neck, and the rest of my body were sore.

I skipped my Monday trail run this week because my back and legs were sore. Although my hamstrings were still tight and sore today, I began the work day at 6 AM, with the intention of running at 3 PM. It rained all day and I considered running on the roads rather than on the trails. However, for me, running the trails is therapeutic; running the streets is just fitness. I run the trails because I “want” to; I run the streets because I “have” to. The trails clear my mind, erase my problems, and eliminate the stresses of work and life. I decided to lace up my trail shoes and take on the wet, muddy trails.

Running the trails on a gloomy, wet, rainy day was incredible. For the first time ever, I completed a run without seeing a single person. It was total peace and solitude, the silence broken only with my shoes hitting the dirt, the water sloshing in my water bottle, and my increased breathing as I ascended the ridge. I didn't have my camera, but photos wouldn't have captured the experience anyway. In the following paragraphs, I hope to guide you through today’s route and use alternate photographs to help illustrate the beautiful wildlife I viewed on my rainy run.

I started at the base of Longview Drive, walked up the steep street, and turned left through the easement to access the park. I continued walking the pavement until I reached the water tower, where the trail (non-paved) surface began. The trail meandered through oak tree shaded areas, reaching the top of the ridge in another two miles. The absence of humans enabled me to enjoy the abundance of wildlife. The wet weather brought out an army of newts. I navigated sections of trail peppered with over a dozen newts, carefully avoiding them with fancy (and not so fancy) footwork. The newts are interesting, little creatures, apparently loving the moisture from the autumn rains. The creature below resembles the many newts I came across today:

Kailani Enjoying the Guppies

After completing the climb up the east side of the ridge, the landscaped opened up and I continued north along the Ridgeline Trail. I passed the pond on the left side of the trail, near the Sinbad Creek Trail junction. There I saw a family of ducks swimming in the pond. I've often heard bullfrogs croaking away in that pond, but rarely ducks. Here are a few similar, duck-like creatures:

"Interesting" BART Riders

I continued along the trail and climbed the little, grassy hill, reaching a bench overlooking the city of Pleasanton. Off to the right, I noticed a rafter of wild turkeys feeding in the grass. Wild turkeys look nothing like the growth hormone fed Butterball birds we’re accustomed to seeing during Thanksgiving. Here’s a cute pair of turkeys.

Kevin and Kami

The bench is the turnaround point for my seven mile route and descending the ridge is typically quicker and easier than the ascent. I usually shorten my stride and increase the cadence, but today I maintained an easy pace, being extra careful in the low light and doing my best to avoid the minefield of newts. In addition to the newts, ducks, and turkeys, the Pleasanton Ridge also supports an abundance of deer. As I descended the ridge, I came across a large number of deer, often surprising them when I rounded bends in the trail. Here’s a photo of me and my favorite deer (dear):

Monterey 2008

It was a wonderful run on the Pleasanton Ridge today. The weather wasn't beautiful, but it made for a beautiful experience.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ia 'Oe E Ka La Hula Festival

Ia 'Oe E Ka La Hula Festival by Wayne-K
Ia 'Oe E Ka La Hula Festival, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

I'm not a big hula aficionado, but I do enjoy watching Kami perform at the annual Ia 'Oe E Ka La hula festival in Pleasanton at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. This year's festival was held 1-3 November 2013. Her halau, Moku'aina, performed their auana (contemporary) hula on Saturday and their kahiko (traditional) hula on Sunday.

Here are a few photos from the 2013 Ia 'Oe E Ka La festival.

Ia 'Oe E Ka La Hula Festival

Ia 'Oe E Ka La Hula Festival

Ia 'Oe E Ka La Hula Festival

Ia 'Oe E Ka La Hula Festival

Ia 'Oe E Ka La Hula Festival

Ia 'Oe E Ka La Hula Festival

Ia 'Oe E Ka La Hula Festival

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Balance 1010v2

Since I first started running in high school, my training has been predominantly on the roads.  The high school cross-country races were on trails, but all of my training (and marathons) occurred on asphalt/concrete.  When I started training in April to pace a runner in the Leadville 100, I transitioned my training to the trails.  Training on the trails was primarily driven by the need for “specificity” – or training on the type of terrain one would be racing (pacing) on.  Leadville has come and gone, but my plans are to continue running on trails, as it’s a hundred times more enjoyable than running on the road.

With the focus on trail running, I decided it was time to get proper trail shoes.  My current running shoe is the New Balance 860v2 (9.5 EE).  I don’t remember exactly, but I believe it’s a cushioned, motion control, road shoe.  I absolutely hated it on the roads because it was too stiff and clunky, but loved the stability on the uneven, rocky trail terrain.  The cushioning also helped on the long runs, especially as I tired (and my form went to hell).  One drawback of running on the trails with a road shoe is the open mesh.  While this provided excellent ventilation on hot days, it also allowed a lot of dirt to permeate the fabric, creating a nice muddy mess (and increased friction).  The 860v2 also has a 12mm heel to toe drop, making it impossible to run with a biometrically efficient forefoot/midfoot strike.  The latest trend is toward “minimalist” running shoes.  Minimalist shoes (or barefoot running) encourage a more efficient running form.  I won’t go into it here, but read “Born to Run” for more information.  My initial venture into minimalist shoes was the Merrell Barefoot shoe.  In short, the zero heel drop and minimal padding were a bit too extreme for me.  The zero heel drop puts a lot of strain on the Achilles tendon and requires a lot of time for the body to adapt to it.  I also desired more forefoot padding/protection.  I decided to try the New Balance 1010v2 shoe instead.  The 1010v2 is a minimalist trail shoe, with a 4mm heel drop, a bit more forefoot padding, and a rock plate for protection from…well, rocks.  This shoe filled the happy middle-ground between the armor-plated protection of the 860v2 and the minimal protection of the Merrell.

I ran a couple of flat, two mile test runs in the New Balance 1010v2 shoe to ensure I wouldn’t have Achilles/lower calf problems with the 4mm heel drop.  The short test runs felt fine, so I tested it on my regular seven mile trail route on Monday to see how they felt going uphill/downhill and on rocky terrain.  I increased the distance today, running my ten mile trail route.  My initial assessment is positive.  The shoes are light and agile, and fit like a glove (not clunky and stiff like the 860v2).  I’m also able to maintain a faster turnover on downhill sections.  The huge heel and 12mm heel drop on the 860v2 caused the heel to strike first, especially on downhills.  The 4mm heel drop on the 1010v2 allows for a forefoot strike and a much faster turnover.  Additionally, the tighter weave in the fabric keeps most of the dirt out of the shoe.  My only concerns right now are:  1) how well they will ventilate on hot days; and 2) how they will feel on long runs.  The weather forecast calls for 100 degree weather on Saturday, so I may test them out on a 20 miler.  This would test both concerns.  We’ll see…I may play it safe and opt for the 860v2.

Here’s a summary of my run today.  The faster turnover is evident in the faster times on the downhill sections.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Leadville 100 – From a Crew’s Perspective

Jogging at Turquoise Lake II by Wayne-K
Jogging at Turquoise Lake II, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

The 2013 Leadville 100 is in the books and in a word, it was a blast! We arrived in Leadville, Colorado on Tuesday, set up camp in the Molly Brown Campground on Turquoise Lake, and went for a short jog to loosen up the legs, fill the lungs with air, and get some blood pumping through the heart. The air was thin at 10,200 feet, but the wonderful views of the lake made up for the lack of oxygen.

On Wednesday, we drove to the Winfield, Twin Lakes, and Outward Bound aid stations to familiarize myself with their locations and how to get there. It was nice to know, for example, that the drive to Winfield was down an 11 mile dusty, dirt road, with a nice washboard and potholed surface, and that parking would be limited in Winfield. Faye programmed these aid stations into the Garmin GPS, which proved to be a major benefit on race day. We also hiked up the infamous Hope Pass to scout the route up the pass. Although this didn't make the pass any shorter or less steep, eliminating some of the uncertainty provided a degree of confidence…or at least I hope it did.

The anticipation really started to build on Thursday. We went into town to pick up the race packet and for a pre-race medical check-up. Returning to camp, Faye packed her drop bags for each aid station, carefully planning the clothing, food, and gear she would need at each stage of the race. I likewise packed my gear, making sure I had my flashlights, gels, electrolytes, layers, gloves, and the rest of my gear packed and ready to go.

On Friday, we checked out the race expo and attended the mandatory final briefing and crew briefing. Faye also dropped off her drop bags, so the race folks could deliver them to the respective aid stations. We noted the cutoffs at each aid station as well as Faye’s planned arrival times. These times were documented on our forearms with a Sharpie, for easy reference during the race. Lastly, I organized my paperwork to document which aid stations I would meet Faye, what gear I needed to give her at each aid station and the driving directions to get to each of them.

The alarm went off at 2 AM Saturday morning and despite only having a few fitful hours of sleep, we were ready to go. The preparation and planning were complete, and I was confident Faye was ready to run! After an exciting start, I returned to camp to lie down for a few hours. There was no sleeping however, as I could hear the cheering as the racers ran along Turquoise Lake…and the deafening beat of my heart. After a few hours, I drove over to the Outward Bound aid station to meet Faye, arriving early to ensure I didn’t miss her. This gave me an opportunity to watch other crews in action. I was impressed with their NASCAR-like precision and timing. Faye arrived at the aid station looking good. She needed to go to the bathroom and asked me to fill up her water bladder halfway, strap her long sleeve shirt onto the back of her pack, and to get her gels and boiled potatoes dipped in salt. No problem! I had the aid station volunteer fill the bladder to the one liter mark…and then struggled to get the sliding clip on the water bladder. It was such a simple device, but for some reason, I couldn't get the clip on to seal the bladder. After fiddling with it for what seemed like hours, the cord that secured the clip to the bladder broke. My immediate thought was “oh crap, Faye’s gonna kill me!” She returned after what seemed like seconds and fortunately didn't kill me. I didn't take the somewhat pleasant, WTF look on her face personally as she finished securing her water bladder and strapped her extra layers on the back of the pack, and I quickly went to get the gels and boiled potatoes. There were chips, pretzels, candies, and fruit…but NO gels or potatoes. I really felt like a useless loser! Fortunately, I had some gels in a bag and was able to get Faye something resembling nutrition, and she was on her way.

The original plan was for me to meet Faye at Outward Bound (mile 24) and then at Winfield (mile 50). However, I noticed she was missing her planned times by approximately 15 minutes per leg, so instead of waiting until mile 50, I decided to meet her at the Twin Lakes aid station at mile 40. I figured I could help get her through the aid station and cheer her on before she had to climb the infamous Hope(less) Pass. After the semi-successful crewing at Outward Bound, I proceeded to the Twin Lakes aid station. Parking was limited along CR-82 and crews were directed to park along the road and ride the shuttle to the aid station. As with the previous aid station, I arrived early so as not to miss Faye coming through. It was inspiring watching runners descend the steep hill entering the aid station. It was also cool to watch spouses, children, and loved ones greet their runners as they arrived, offering their love and support. In preparation for Faye’s arrival, I asked a race volunteer to dig up Faye’s drop bag, so she wouldn't have to waste time dealing with it when she arrived. Faye looked great coming into the aid station and quickly made her way out toward Hope Pass and the next crew-accessible aid station, Winfield.

Based on the information from the crew briefing, I expected traffic along CR-390 toward Winfield and decided to head over there straightaway. That proved to be a good decision, as it took me three hours to get there from Twin Lakes. There was a long string of cars on the dusty road to Winfield, crawling at a snail’s pace. While waiting, I changed into my running clothes, taped my toes, taped my nipples (sorry, TMI), put on my shoes and gaiters, and packed my gear. As the clock approached 4 PM, I was prepared to park on the side of the road and run the remaining miles to Winfield, but fortunately the cars started moving and I was able to get to the aid station. There was a 14 hour cutoff at Winfield, so runners needed to arrive by 6 PM. The original plan was for Faye to arrive by 4:30 PM, but based on her progress, I estimated her arrival at 5:30 PM. By 5:40 PM, I was concerned and headed to the point on the course where the runners descended Hope Pass. I figured I could pace her the remaining half mile to the aid station and hopefully beat the 6 PM cutoff. For the next 20 minutes, I focused continuously on the hill, anxiously anticipating her arrival. As the clock struck 6 PM, her race was over.

Faye ran a nice race, looked great, and I’m 100% confident she could have finished the 100 mile distance. However, she’s slow and steady, and missed the 50 mile cutoff by a mere 30 minutes. She doesn’t know this yet, but she’ll be back in Leadville for another try. God (and Faye) willing, I’ll be back to pace her.

Here are a few more photos from Leadville.

Scouting Hope Pass
Faye scouting Hope Pass before the race

Descending Hope Pass
Faye descending Hope Pass after scouting it prior to the race

Seeking Divine Intervention
Seeking Divine inspiration (or intervention)

Leadville 100 - Target Times
Target times for the first few aid stations

Evening at Turquoise Lake
Stu and Fleur at Turquoise Lake

Preparing for the Race
Packing drop bags prior to the race

All Smiles
All smiles (before getting packed into the drop bags)

Twin Lakes Aid Station
Runner approaching the Twin Lakes aid station

Winfield - location of the mile 50 aid station

Breakfast in Camp
Breakfast in camp

Sunrise at Molly Brown Campground
Sunrise at the Molly Brown campsite

Saturday, August 10, 2013

One Week to the Leadville 100

Leadville 100 by Wayne-K
Leadville 100, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

“Pacing is so grueling and thankless, usually only family, fools, and damn good friends let themselves get talked into it. The job means shivering in the middle of nowhere for hours until your runner shows up, then setting off at sunset for an all-night run through wind-whistling mountains. You’ll get blood on your shins, vomit on your shoes, and not even a T-shirt for completing two marathons in a single night. Other job requirements can include staying awake while your runner catches a nap in the mud; popping a blood blister between her butt cheeks with your fingernails; and surrendering your jacket, even though your teeth are chattering, because her lips have gone blue.”

-- Christopher McDougall, in "Born to Run"

Pacing sounds exciting, doesn't it! After four months of training, I’m excited to be pacing Faye at the Leadville 100. I’m not family -- and time will tell if I’m a fool or a damn good friend. I fly out on Tuesday morning and Faye will be picking me up at the Denver Airport. We'll then make the long drive over to Leadville, Colorado for a few days of camping before the race (AKA, acclimatization). Leadville is situated in the mountains, above 10,000 feet, so getting acclimated prior to the race will be important. The extra days will also give us some time to scout out the race course, figure out crew access points, and plan out the race logistics. The race starts on Saturday at 0400 and racers have 30 hours to reach the finish line. By Sunday morning, Faye and I should be relaxing, enjoying a cold brew, and celebrating her successful finish.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Trail Running Ramblings

Fences by Wayne-K
Fences, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

I read an article recently discussing what trail runners think about while running. For me, trail running is almost spiritual. The solitude, peace, and serenity on the trails bring calm to my being. While I know how trail running makes me feel, I never thought much about what went through my mind during my runs. Most of the time, I think about the run itself – the next hill I need to climb, the subsequent stretch of downhill where I can recover and catch my breath, the location of the water fountain where I can fill up my water bottles, and the searing sun beating down on my head. I also consider my personal needs and condition – have I been taking in enough water, is it time to consume a gel or electrolytes, how are the legs and lungs feeling, should I increase the pace, or should I decrease the pace?

Today was my last long run before Leadville. Well, “long” is relative. I’m just the pacer for Leadville (and not the runner), so “long” right now is 20 miles. I planned on running 20 miles, but as I climbed the ridge, I felt low on energy. I decided to walk more of the hills than normal, consumed a gel earlier than normal, and consciously slowed the pace. I also decided to make a few stops to take pictures. I got a late start this morning so the high sun was not optimal for landscape photography, but I decided to enjoy the views and take a few photos anyway. I also decided to run only 18 miles today. The taper will just have to start two miles sooner!

Toward the Bay Leaf Trail
View from the ridgeline. I take the trail to the left and descend the ridge down the Bay Leaf Trail. It’s always fun climbing back up the Bay Leaf Trail after 12-14 miles of running.

Trail Ends Ahead
This sign is the turnaround point for my 18 mile route.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

16 Days to Leadville

Volunteering at the Western States 100 in June was cool, but I'm looking forward to the Leadville 100 in 16 days. I'm not even running it, but I'm excited! I've been training for the last four months just to be the lowly pacer, but I'm as excited as if it were "my" run.

Right now, the plan is for me to run approximately 30 miles in Leadville. My training has been hampered somewhat by Achilles Tendinitis, Patellar Tendinitis, and some unnamed pain behind my left knee. I saw the doctor two weeks ago for the last two ailments and he prescribed anti-inflammatory meds (NSAID) and rest. I took the meds but ignored the rest (no pun intended). At my follow-up appointment today, I told him I'm not any better, but not any worse...which is great...since I've been running on it for the last two weeks.

Overall, my runs have felt pretty strong lately. I think I'm slowly getting my running legs back, after resting for three weeks while recovering from injury. I did a ten mile run on the Pleasanton Ridge last night and although I wasn't trying to push it up the ridge, I ended up running my fastest time for the climb (which I learned later once I uploaded my GPS data to While running up the ridge, I said "hi" to a lady who was hiking up the ridge. She responded by saying I was "brave"...then she corrected herself and said I was "crazy." I'm not brave and I'm not crazy yet, but I have enjoyed my "me" time on the trails. It's been a welcome break from the stress, strain, and grind of the daily routine.

Here's a summary of last night's run:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Trail Portraits Project

Tuolumne - Wayne by Wayne-K
Tuolumne - Wayne, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

I spent a lot of time this year on the trails, snowshoeing, backpacking, and running. Over the years, I've had the pleasure of meeting numerous incredible people on the trails and I decided to start a photography project to introduce everyone to them. Please check out my new Trail Portraits Project blog to meet these wonderful people.

I've been sidelined the last few weeks with what I believe is an "overuse" injury (pain behind the knee). This has kept me off the trails for the last three weeks. I have an appointment with the orthopedic doctor tomorrow, but that didn't keep me from running in Yosemite National Park this past weekend with Faye. The weather was perfect for running, the views were incredible, and I had a blast getting back on the trails after being idle for so long.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Western States 100

Faye and I volunteered at the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run this past weekend. We helped at the the Rucky Chucky river crossing, where the runners crossed the chilly American River at Mile 78. It was inspiring to see the runners push themselves to the limit, as they overcame near record temperatures in pursuit of the prestigious finisher's belt buckle.

See more WS100 photos at my new Trail Portraits Project blog.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Congratulations Kami

Kami and Lexi by Wayne-K
Kami and Lexi, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

Where do the years go? Kami finished 8th grade last week and will be headed to high school next year. Soon enough, she'll be going to college, getting married, and having kids. Okay, perhaps I'm getting a little ahead of myself here...

Here are a few photos -- with her friend Lexi at the HPMS promotion ceremony and with her other friend Paisley at Shadow Cliffs.

HPMS 8th Grade Promotion

Best Friends II

Bath Time

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Kodama on Deck by Wayne-K
Kodama on Deck, a photo by Wayne-K on Flickr.

The Vipers lost a tough game today in the PGSL Teal Majors playoffs. The girls played hard and hit well, but they came up just a bit short. This was their second loss in the double-elimination playoff, so the season is over for the Vipers. Kami was on the mound for every game and did a superb job pitching. It was a lot of innings, but her arm held up pretty well.

I dusted off my Nikon D80 for one last time today and here are a few photos from the game.

46/52 - Base Hit

Pregame Meeting with the Umpire


Kami in the Box

Good Eye